Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian - Episode 73 (Part of the Dentist Well-Being Series)

Rob and Paul host Frank King, “The Mental Health Comedian,” a suicide prevention and post-vention public speaker and trainer, as well as writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years. Depression and suicide run in Frank’s family and he’s fought a lifelong battle with Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality. Frank has turned that long dark journey of the soul into five TEDx Talks and shares his lifesaving insights on Mental Health Awareness with associations, corporations, and colleges.
Rob and Paul chat with Frank about dealing with stress and depression during the COVID-19 era focusing on “how to stay socially distant and sane in the process.” They also discuss how to look for signs in a team member who is suffering from depression and what to do if you detect them and the importance of a self-care plan. This episode is Frank King’s second appearance on the Dental Amigos podcast and another installment of the Dentist Well-Being Series of podcasts that The Dental Amigos will host from time to time.