Dr. Aeklavya Panjali on Alfa Gate’s Bio-Active Implant, Live from Darby - GNYDM 2019 - Episode 51
Rob and Paul host Dr. Aeklavya Panjali live from the Darby booth at the GNYDM 2019. In this episode, Rob and Paul chat with Dr. Panjali about Alfa Gate’s Bio-Active implant and why he likes it.

Dr. Panjali also chats with the Amigos about the importance of hands-on training for dentists, his mission to make it easier for general dentists to do implants and the importance of simplicity in dental procedures.
Dr. Panjali has been lecturing nationally and internationally on dental implants since 1996. He teaches over 30 hands-on classes on implant dentistry within United States each year and also provides training to general dentists and specialists at the New York Implant Institute with an emphasis on hands-on clinical implant training available for doctors needing specialized training as well as an entire series for beginners.
Listeners who want to learn more about the New York Implant Institute can go to www.NYimplantinstitute.com, they can call 888-818-9910 and they can also email them at info@NYImplantinstitute.com.